Video update 5/29/21

Hey everyone! Memorial Day weekend:) Hope everyone is spending time filling their cups metaphorically and physically.

Here’s a little update. 

An you may have noticed, I changed the total fundraising amount on GoFundMe down to $12500. This is because I have received direct donations and this now reflects where we are at in fundraising! Huge huge success you all! Seriously, this dream and adventure is happening because of all of your generosity. I’m so excited to take you all with me on this wild ride. I just posted an update video, that goes through the gear I’ve purchased and am testing out. I bought my ticket to and from Ulaanbaatar, and.... I got a big $3,000 donation from the incredible Pend Oreille Arts Council (POAC). 

POAC is an nonprofit organization that brings so much color, culture and knowledge to the community here in Northern ID. I am so proud to be sharing my experience from the Derby and Mongolia with the community upon my return. Our plan is to have a series of lectures at local schools, as well as a Q&A post race. It’s my honor to share my adventure and hopefully inspire others to dream big and see their adventures come to fruition. 

Thank you POAC! I’m thrilled to be a part of the fall Arts and Culture series here in Sandpoint. As you know from my video, I’m down with strep this beautiful long weekend, so I’m taking the opportunity to get briefed up on additional race reading material, and getting brushed up on my G64 nav skills. Ideally the antibiotics kick in shortly and I get my tonsils back to a normal size.


And much love,
