Derby Stories- the real race
First thing out of HS14 I got an amazingly fast looking black horse. He was lean and squirmy perfect to cover some ground on. Two herders worked together to hobble the horse to get him saddled. When they took the hobbles off, dragon horse was up and out in the blink of an eye. We watched as he bronc bolted down away from the station and into the horizon with my gear. Adios fast horse! What a beauty and what an athlete!
A few herders raced off after him on motor bikes, while Dr Coz and I looked on waved goodbye as my little black dot disappeared.
One of the gifts of the derby is a constant practice of non-attachment. If you’re pulled from the present and wish it otherwise, you’re wasting your time. It is what it is, and it’s just the way it’s meant to be.
@adventuristbarbie, @dr_cozy and I kicked back and got to chatting. Stevie asked me about why I was in the derby and how I got to it. We quickly passed the basics and dove into the real reasons. The parts where we push farther than ever before to meet ourselves in a new raw light. The part about how we get to meet our outer most edge and experience life from its perspective of being the most vulnerable yet so alive. It’s a challenging concept to put to words but if you know, you know. It’s a place where most think it’s the end of the journey, but in reality it’s just the start.
45 mins after dragon horse left, crew decided to send me off with spare parts so I could continue until my gear was retrieved. I hopped on a little dun who whinnied to his buddies as we trotted up and out of HS14 for good.
This horse was so kind and sweet and uninspired for speed. My mind was so at peace and content from my convo with Stevie that even though we weren’t making great time, things were really pleasant. Then as the smile stayed glued to my face, it got better. A perfect full rainbow appeared right in front of me, and I got to ride into its brilliant arch. Who gets to ride into a rainbow on a beautiful horse with a heart so full?
A huge thanks to the black dragon horse that ran away with my gear and let me have that chat with Stevie and Dr Coz, practice my presence and acceptance of what the moment had to offer. So good!