Lena Haug

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February 2022 Sonoma County CA Derby training

I got to spend the last 11 days horseback in Sonoma County. I was given 6 horses to spend as much time on as they were able and I wanted, to explore the County via horseback. I clocked just over 60 hours in total over the 11 days. Not a bad start!

This morning I’m heading back a little ways North to the incredible Montgomery Creek Ranch, (MCR). MCR is a 2000 acre sanctuary for wild horses. There are currently over 200 wild horses living in the big herd forever free and 20-30 younger horses in training on site. 

I’ll be working with some of these horses in training as part of their adoption program. The horses on my string will be in all stages of their education.

I definitely recommend checking out MCR, and learning about the amazing work they do!
